Friday, October 31, 2008

Living it out for the day, and a wonderful closing to 2008

A Qn for you: What happened during the most memorable visit you paid to a relative/friend and when did it happen? (answer in a comment, email or tag if u're interested)


And after a week of hardship, it is not yet over. My EOYs are finally 3/4 over, and i only have 3 papers left to go, all of which I cant stand studying (History, logic, and history). TGIF!!!!

Friday nights are always a reliable buffer between one and one's undone work. xD

And there was the big history scare which i got today when sum1 invited my history classmate to a LAN session after today's paper, and my classmate replied, "No can do, got history." And I was like replying softly knowing that i studied nuts, "Wait. There's history?" And he was like, "YEA?" o.O ZOMG!

following my green-faced response, he replied calmly, "Next week what."

LOL. It was then I realised how near-sighted my recent life has become. i.e. I live too much for the day up to the point where i start sub-conciously intepreting (without clearing the air 1st) what others say to be "today". Geez. This worries me.

But, I guess I'll get to it later.

Anyway, its probably not a good idea to "live in the future" too much either. Drains your energy and yet u cant do anything about it. What's the point?

Yea yea I get it. Living too much in the present is just planning to fail in life. But live in the present at least a little. Life's too short for one to think ahead for evrything and too good for one to forgo the joys of the present. And I'll do my reflecting.

And planted right in the middle of my exam period is my EOY holiday to malacca! Went there, visited some cousins, had some fun, a bbq, and a late night movie, and took some really memorable pics. Generally had a blast. So much that I forgot my exams, at least at that time. And in this visit we probably had more bonding (as a whole group of cousins) than we ever had. If you wanna see the photos u can visit my facebook profile (add me!) and amongst the photo albums and the album title is really obvious. Benjamin Goh is my name.

I guess.... this holiday could be considered a good closing to 2008. It ended rather emotionally too.

And this then brings me to the question that i wanted to ask u : What happened during the most memorable visit you paid to a relative/friend and when did it happen? If u're willing, may you please share.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The calm before the storm... and psychological impressions!

Ah. fine u might not get the joke in the title but it doesnt matter

Anyw, after 3 months of struggling and slacking and struggling again, the calm before the storm has arrived. you know, the short period when thr's suddenly no homework or lessons whatsoever, yea those. and they are the sign that the long-forecasted storm has finally come - exams!!!

So its finally time to pick up the book and start flipping thru them as if i was really interested, its been kinda long since i last did this. Wish me luck.

Also i came up with several interesting maths ideas out of the blue and got to work on them too last saturday. but after awhile when i was finally done i decided to screw my homework and start watching tv. and the movie was nice. im gonna review it soon (so stay tuned, dear). and i slept at 2.30 am.

But what really attracted my interest this week was the idea of psychological impressions. In part, this was the background theme of the movie i watched, but the concept made more sense to me after i watched the movie, and it was in regard to the movie itself: i couldnt help but to remember the visceral (if u dunno what this means it means visual and apparent and sensate) details everywhere i go. its like the old macdonald's song-stuck in-ur-head kinda feeling. in fact, the impression was so deep i could hardly sleep after that (might already give u an idea of what kind of movie i watched).

I think that there are certain types of events that we as individuals are more sensitive to. then after they occur, we tend to become fixated with the visceral or emotional aspects of the event and if these feelings are negative they can drive us to extremes. take for example a kid who was abused from young. if the psychological trauma he suffered doesnt get aided he would become paranoid or in extreme(r) cases abusive when he becomes older. get what im trying to say?

You do? That's great.

Yea... and guess what? my school's internet screwed around with me, and now i cant do my work with my laptop in school. It just decided to not let me log into my school server acct no matter whether im connected to the server. and there goes any internet sessions in school. pish.

Finally, there's a drama serial on mediacorp TV channel 8 that seriously ROCKS! you should catch it asap if u can. its called Crime Busters x2 and its on at 9pm all weekdays. its funny, thrilling and at the same time.... (hmm whats that word...) plotty? ok lol i was just playing around basically it has good plot.

Catcha later!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Proof of human stupidity - lifted from 2flashgames

1. Only in America......can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

2. Only in America......are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.

3. Only in drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.

4. Only in people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke.

5. Only in banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.

6. Only in we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.

7. Only in we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place.

8. Only in we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.

9. Only in we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

10. Only in they have drive-up ATM's with Braille lettering.

11.Only in America.....Will you go to a restraunt in seaworld and ask for bandaids and get mayonnaise

Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff??

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

------------------ In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods:

On a Sears hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping. ( that's the only time I have to work on my hair).

On a bag of Frito's:! ..You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside. (the shoplifter special)?

On a bar of Dial soap: "Directions: Use like regular soap." (and that would be how???....)

On some Swanson frozen dinners: "Serving suggestion: Defrost." (but, it's "just" a suggestion).

On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom): "Do not turn upside down." (Oops, too late!)!On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: "Product will be hot after heating." (...and you thought????...)

On packaging for a Rowenta iron: "Do not iron clothes on body." (but wouldn't this save me more time?)

On Nytol Sleep Aid: "Warning: May cause drowsiness." (and.. .I'm taking this because???....)

On Sunsbury's peanuts: "Warning: contains nuts." (talk about a news flash)

Spore!!!!! and the lawsuit

Ok. About 3 months ago, I bought a game called Sims 2 University (TM). So, it was fine, the usual point-and-click playing style where human-like bunches of pixels do ur bidding and live their lives the way u dictate them to. Sounds fun, huh? hahah

Yep. that's the box cover.

However, that's not the point.

I noticed that besides the manual, there was another EA brochure that gave a sneak peek to what other EA stuff was gonna b released. and I noticed this game called spore. and BTW its not "singapore" as in the shortform, as one of my uninformed frens thot it was. However, i paid little attention to it. that was in particular cos i was already determined to make sims2uni the last game im getting b4 the exams.

However, a few weeks after i got sims2uni, i saw this video.

And i responded, "OMG! That's AWESOOME!"

and so went my resolution for not buying anymore games. I waited, and saved up in the process, and waited more, until I finally saw one of my frens holding it in my face. Then I went to CyberActive and raided the shop.

(just kidding la)

Basically, what you do in the beginning is that u play God by controlling a small organism u created in primordial fluid and take on other species of organisms in a fight to survive and procreate. Then as you get sufficiently large u get to go on land to interact amiably or hatefully with other organisms n later u set up a tribe, a civilization and rocket off into space. The whole process involves many rounds of redesigning, improving, etc on the part of ur organism, which is probably one of the selling pts of the game. In fact, u get to design lots of other stuff such as ur organism's tribal outfit, warfare weapons, boats, cars, homes, libraries, other buildings, spaceships, and u even get to terraform other planets! o.O

Overall, it is an epic game. You should try it. (at least dat was wad i would say)

But... just 4 days after i bought the game (whr i managed to reach the civilization stage), I received news that EA had been sued for attaching some harmful anti-viral software onto the SPORE software. So i verified the news. read this if u need some backgrnd knowledge.,25642,24405230-5014117,00.html

When i knew it was true i was lyk :" WTH. I installed this piece of crap onto my NEW ACER LAPTOP which cost 1k (im complaining precisely cos its cheap)!!!!! and my laptop looks so cool too!!!! rawrrrr!"

no wonder my com got weird when i ran the program. but thankfully it still runs fine, altho it gets weird when i start the game (the game doesnt start when i tell it to and tells me that an error occured by starting the game twice when i try to start again. it then starts normally)

oh well, SPORE still rocks and im still gonna play it as long as i can. Evolution is not really what I take to, but its still neat when u can make and share creations. hahah thats the new media for you, all that freedom of expression and sandbox gaming stuff.

but note this: i still hope EA gets its butt sued so that i can i get money (i really might get to, check out the demands of the lawsuit) to reformat my comp if anyth goes wrong becos of that stupid SecuROM software.

So there. A game that ROCKS, but must come with a program that sucks. you choose.