Friday, October 31, 2008

Living it out for the day, and a wonderful closing to 2008

A Qn for you: What happened during the most memorable visit you paid to a relative/friend and when did it happen? (answer in a comment, email or tag if u're interested)


And after a week of hardship, it is not yet over. My EOYs are finally 3/4 over, and i only have 3 papers left to go, all of which I cant stand studying (History, logic, and history). TGIF!!!!

Friday nights are always a reliable buffer between one and one's undone work. xD

And there was the big history scare which i got today when sum1 invited my history classmate to a LAN session after today's paper, and my classmate replied, "No can do, got history." And I was like replying softly knowing that i studied nuts, "Wait. There's history?" And he was like, "YEA?" o.O ZOMG!

following my green-faced response, he replied calmly, "Next week what."

LOL. It was then I realised how near-sighted my recent life has become. i.e. I live too much for the day up to the point where i start sub-conciously intepreting (without clearing the air 1st) what others say to be "today". Geez. This worries me.

But, I guess I'll get to it later.

Anyway, its probably not a good idea to "live in the future" too much either. Drains your energy and yet u cant do anything about it. What's the point?

Yea yea I get it. Living too much in the present is just planning to fail in life. But live in the present at least a little. Life's too short for one to think ahead for evrything and too good for one to forgo the joys of the present. And I'll do my reflecting.

And planted right in the middle of my exam period is my EOY holiday to malacca! Went there, visited some cousins, had some fun, a bbq, and a late night movie, and took some really memorable pics. Generally had a blast. So much that I forgot my exams, at least at that time. And in this visit we probably had more bonding (as a whole group of cousins) than we ever had. If you wanna see the photos u can visit my facebook profile (add me!) and amongst the photo albums and the album title is really obvious. Benjamin Goh is my name.

I guess.... this holiday could be considered a good closing to 2008. It ended rather emotionally too.

And this then brings me to the question that i wanted to ask u : What happened during the most memorable visit you paid to a relative/friend and when did it happen? If u're willing, may you please share.

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